Helicopter is probably the hardest word to pronounce, when we are children. However, the giant fly like machine with rotors at both ends, being able to touch the clouds; captures our imagination. Up close – the helicopter seems like a Giant-of-a-thing, with ear numbing sound and large rotors. Small boys seem infatuated with this machine with superhuman powers, and yet controlled by a man. It really does seem out of this world and makes sense in seeing ourselves flying one of these things, when we grow up.
After encountering the giant on few occasions, we make up our mind of becoming pilots when we grow up. But then, growing up still takes its own sweet time. Meanwhile, our parents decide to get us a toy helicopter, to pacify us with something tangible that is close to the real thing. Toy helicopters have always been popular with kids all around the world. Some of these come with a remote and can be controlled in mid-air, to make them fly right, left and centre – in accordance with our whims and fancies. At the e shopping website, homeshop18.com, these toys for kids are available in variety of designs and colours. Buy toys online to avail attractive discounts ranging from 20% to 63% on the MRP.
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