Wednesday, March 9, 2011

8GB Pen Drive – Portable Memory Storage

Pen drives are portable accessories that make sure, your data is stored on a device that is easy to install and configure. Pen drives today come in all sizes and shapes and are meant for various other uses, than storing data. The 8GB pen drive, today, happens to be most used capacity amongst pen drives. These some of the uses, which are novel and innovative, when it comes to the average computer user; these uses include;
1.       People carry a whole lot of things on the desktop, which only takes up processing power and RAM space to say the least. Instead, one could carry the same files needed occasionally on a pen-drive and reduce the load on the computer. These files could be game files, which could be run on the thumb-drive itself, with the help of software programs like MAME.
2.       Need for encrypting files get solved when a pen-drive is used. Certain pen-drives have built-in utilities that make sure file content gets encrypted and the sensitive nature of data is not compromised on changing hands.
3.        PC diagnostic software could be carried on the pen-drives to make them computer doctor for your desktop & PC. Whenever infected PCs become unworkable, a pen drive consisting of diagnostic tool can help remove specific viruses from the PC by running the diagnostic tool.
4.       There are free downloadable software(s) that help in synchronise your desktop files and pen drive files. Microsoft’s SyncToy is freely downloadable software to carry out this task with ease.    
5.       Crashed computers can be revived using a bootable pen-drive device, containing Windows boot files.
6.       Pen drives can be made bootable devices for computers after having had serious software crashes.

Even though pen drives have good potential as auxiliary accessories, we mostly use these devices only to transfer files from one computer to another, in cases when large files do not go through the email. This could fast change when the capacities of pen drives are improving and the 8GB pen drive seem to have caught as the standard capacity when using pen drives.   At, online shopping website, there are good pen drives of different brands are available - Sandisk pen drive & Kingston pen drive are prominent among the brands. 8GB pen drive price on, comes in the range of Rs.500 to Rs.1000.

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