Directed by the acclaimed directed Danny Boyle – the legendary director who came out with the critically successful Slumdog Millionaire, which made a distinctive mark at the Oscars, sometime in the recent past. His most recent movie happens to 127hrs, the story about Aaron Ralston (James Franco) – who is a mountaineering enthusiast, who goes on a trip to the Canyonlands National Park without informing anyone about his whereabouts. It so happens that during the trip, he gets involved in a boulder accident and gets his arm trapped into a massive boulder. Only armed with a pocket knife, Ralston makes the inevitable decision of cutting his arm into-half to save him-self from starvation. James Franco who played the role of Aaron Ralston, was nominated for an Oscar for best actor by the Association of Motion Picture Association (AMPA). This movie and other adventure movies are available on the India online shopping website, homeshop18. Buy movie online on the India shopping website, homeshop18, for Rs.424, with a 15% off on the MRP.
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