Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Introduction to Algorithms | Beginner's Handbook

The book is a textbook meant for the beginner and anyone, who wants to understand the development and working mechanism of an algorithm. The book avoids jargon and technical terminologies and deals directly with the crux of programming and how it is done. The book primarily focuses on the design technique and the application area of each type of programs written. There are other areas in the book which describes multi-threaded algorithms and the way to go about creating them in the most popular manner possible.

Divide and Rule is a popular method, where the problem at hand is studied and searched for a repeating problematic pattern. The pattern is isolated as a single unit and is solved and the solution is implemented across the algorithm being created and implemented. Dynamic programming suggests about searching for optimal solutions for a range of problems, sub-problems and overlapping problems. The solution can be implemented across the board to make the algorithm work faster compared to the normal approach to creating algorithms. Another interesting method described in the book – is the greedy method, whereby, the most opportunistic solution at a given instant in time is implemented. Not the most reliable of approaches, but does offer quick fix to problems immediately at hand. Other specialised subjects like data structures, Fibonacci heaps and van emde boas trees are also described in the book. Folks interested in the mathematical context – there is an introduction to summations, sets, probability and matrices for an improved understanding on algorithm as a subject per say. This book and other computer books are available on the teleshopping website, On India online shopping site, the book is available for Rs.289, with a 32% off on the MRP.

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